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Some Activites

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Please register here to join the conversation with Jane on learning how to lead, how to tackle problems, and how to keep optimistic.


In the words of Roz Savage MBE, Ocean Rower and Sustainability Advocate, "once at the forefront of the industrial revolution, Wales now leads the world in the sustainability revolution. At the intersection of sustainability, economics, law, morality and politics, the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act enshrines the responsibility of a government to take care of its citizens, especially the vulnerable, and extends that responsibility to those who are the most vulnerable because they do not have a voice — the generations as yet unborn." 

For Nikhil Seth, UN Assistant Secretary General, " what Wales is doing today, the world will do tomorrow."

Join us as we trace  Wales' journey to long-term governance with Jane Davidson, Chair of Wales Net Zero 2035. 
Jane is the author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country (2020). Also, she serves as Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David where she led the university's sustainability agenda through establishing INSPIRE— the Institute for Sustainable Practice, Innovation and Resource Effectiveness. 

As Cabinet Minister for Environment, Sustainability, and Housing in the Welsh Government, Jane proposed a law to make protecting future generations the central organizing principle of government. Thanks to her advocacy, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act was enacted in 2015. While Minister she created a Climate Change Commission for Wales, the post of Sustainable Futures Commissioner, One Planet Developments, the Wales Coast Path and introduced recycling legislation that has taken Wales to second best in the world in 2024. 

Join the change for sustainable futures in your community or your country.

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Join us this Friday, 14th June 2024 as we explore the Action Package, a toolbox meant to inspire and support you in your works and initiatives in order to maximize your impact.

Kindly register here 

Join us for an engaging conversation 

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Partnership for Future Generations in Africa is inviting you to its Fireside Chat on Long-term Art Projects where you will have the opportunity to discover some of the existing artworks that survive generations. This is a great way to contribute and share your knowledge of art projects meant to serve various generations.

Click here to register:

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Kindly register to join us on the 17th of August 2024 for an hour conversation with Natalie Nkiilu from 5 PM - 6 PM CET   

Africa's stake in the future is huge. According to UN predictions,42% of the Next 10 Billion People will be born in Africa. At the same time, the continent is grappling with various challenges in agriculture, education, infrastructure, and health sectors among others. In the face of this, the continent is not exempt from external shocks.  Risks from unaligned AI, zoonotic spillover, and biological agents constitute a threat to many Africans today and the billions to be born by the year 2100. We invite you to our conversation on reflecting solutions to safeguard current and future generations against global catastrophic risks. Our guest speaker is 

Natalie Kiilu from Nairobi, Kenya. She is a lawyer and researcher with a profound commitment to enhancing global health security. Her research interests lie in biosecurity policy, pandemic preparedness, and strengthening global health systems. By October 2024, Natalie will be pursuing a Master of Laws (LLM) degree at the University of Cambridge, where she is deepening her expertise in these critical areas. Particularly keen on safeguarding the world through mitigating and preventing global catastrophic biological risks, Natalie aims to achieve this by contributing to initiatives that enhance the preparedness and resilience of low- and middle-income countries in facing global health security challenges. 

Join us for an engaging conversation on the most challenging threat facing Africa today.

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